TexGen: Text-Guided 3D Texture Generation with Multi-view Sampling and Resampling

ECCV 2024
1University of Alberta, Canada,
2University of Toronto, Canada,
3Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab

Given a 3D mesh, we aim to synthesize 3D textures that correspond to arbitrary textual descriptions. Current methods for generating and assembling textures from sampled views often result in prominent seams or excessive smoothing. To tackle these issues, we present TexGen, a novel multi-view sampling and resampling framework for texture generation leveraging a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model. For view consistent sampling, first of all we maintain a texture map in RGB space that is parameterized by the denoising step and updated after each sampling step of the diffusion model to progressively reduce the view discrepancy. An attention-guided multi-view sampling strategy is exploited to broadcast the appearance information across views. To preserve texture details, we develop a noise resampling technique that aids in the estimation of noise, generating inputs for subsequent denoising steps, as directed by the text prompt and current texture map. Through an extensive amount of qualitative and quantitative evaluations, we demonstrate that our proposed method produces significantly better texture quality for diverse 3D objects with a high degree of view consistency and rich appearance details, outperforming current state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, our proposed texture generation technique can also be applied to texture editing while preserving the original identity.

Method Overview

Overview of our proposed method, where AGVS and T\(\mathbf{^2}\)GR denote Attention-Guided View Sampling and Text&Texture-Guided Resampling, respectively. First of all, we sample \(N\) viewpoints across the objects. As shown in (a), our texture sampling strategy is an interleaved process of texture generation and diffusion denoising. Specifically, our texture sampling process is structured into \(T\) desnoising steps of diffusion process, and a complete RGB texture map (\(\hat{U}_{t}^N\)) is generated at the end of each step. As shown in (b), at denoising step \(t\), each AGVS module receives noisy latent features \(x_{t}^i\) as input to sample an image and produce a partial texture map \(\hat{U}_{t}^i\), along with noise estimation \(\epsilon_\theta(x_t^i)\). The generated \(\hat{U}_{t}^i\) serves as guidance for sampling the subsequent view. Subsequently, a complete texture map \(\hat{U}_{t}^N\) is employed to refine the noise estimation of each view within T\(^2\)GR modules, facilitating the prediction of noisy features for the ensuing denoising step (\(x_{t-1}^{1...N}\)).

Method Details

Details of denoising for view \(i+1\) at step \(t\). The AGVS module is designed to generate denoised observation \(\hat{x}_0^{i+1}(x_t^{i+1})\) which will be assembled onto UV space to form intermediate texture \(\hat{U}_{t}^{i+1}\). The attention guidance is omitted in the figure for simplification. After iterating over all sampled views starting from \(i=1\) to \(N\), we obtain a complete texture map \(\hat{U}_{t}^N\) for each denoising step. Conditioned on the current aggragated texture map, the T\(^2\)GR module will update the noise estimation \(\epsilon_\theta(x_t^i)\) with the multi-conditioned classifier-free guidance (CFG) to calculate the noisy latent feature \(x_{t-1}^{i+1}\) of the next denoising step.

Comparison with TEXTure, Text2Tex, Fantasia3D, and ProlificDreamer

“A Golden Lion”




“A Medieval Clock”




“A Backpack in Ironman Style”




“A NextGen Nascar in Red”




Video Gallery

An oil painted apple

A medieval armor

A brick fireplace

A wooden refrigerator

A coca cola vending machine

A telephone with golden dials

A stone lantern

A Mandalorian helmet in silver

A pottery with flowers

A metal turtle with red eyes

A lion looking forward

A high quality color photograph of Benedict Cumberbatch

A dark blue shark

A chocolate doughnut

An ironman monitor

A ps5 controller with black buttons on the top

A fireplug, red and yellow

A metal owl with glowing eyes

A metal keg surrounded in silver

A wooden crate

A high quality color photograph of Tom Cruise

A wooden dresser

A cute 3D cartoon lion with brown hair

Statue of a wolf


        author    = {Huo, Dong and Guo, Zixin and Zuo, Xinxin and Shi, Zhihao and Lu, Juwei and Dai, Peng and Xu, Songcen and Cheng, Li and Yang, Yee-Hong},
        title     = {TexGen: Text-Guided 3D Texture Generation with Multi-view Sampling and Resampling},
        journal   = {ECCV},
        year      = {2024},